Tune into The Rock Girl Sacred Stone Show on Tuesdays at 5pm EST/2pm PST on BlogTalk Radio. Listen as The Rock Girl guides you through the Secret World of Stones. You will learn about the metaphysical properties of stones and how they can be used for teaching, healing and delivering psychic messages to you…and so much more!
Allison Hayes, The Rock Girl® is a Professional Psychic, Master Teacher, Healer and High Priestess of Stones and is a popular radio and television personality throughout the nation. Allison utilizes the Sacred Energy of Stones to channel messages from Mother Earth & Spirit, and is unmatched in her ability to connect with these ancient carriers of wisdom and share their messages with those who need them the most.
Whether you have questions about rocks, stones, crystals, cleansing negativity, attracting love, creating sacred space, personal or planetary healing, allow The Rock Girl to help you do what she does best…Channel the Sacred Wisdom of Stones TM. Call into the show with questions about stones, healing, energy, psychic alibilty, or anything else “rock” related, and The Rock Girl will answer your questions LIVE on air!
Allison Hayes The Rock Girl® is the Founder of The Rock Girl Sacred Stone School® and is a Master Teacher & Healer of All things Stone. For more information on The Rock Girl® go to TheRockGirl.com.
* Please Note: The Rock Girl will NOT be conducting Psychic *Rock Readings* during this show. However she has 2 other weekly radio shows on which she offers FREE readings. For more information click here: The Rock Girl® Radio Shows